Explore our services.

We aim to be your one-stop shop for business success. Our highly experienced team and extensive network are here to drive results for you.

Our comprehensive services include

  • Compliance Services

    We are passionate about innovation and eager to be part of your success story. Engage with us to assess crucial areas where risk management and compliance play a vital role, seamlessly integrating them into your business model design. We can support your vision by:

    Supporting Your New Product and Service Ideas: We collaborate with you to transform your groundbreaking ideas into reality, providing the expertise and resources you need to thrive.

    Comprehensive Risk Assessments: Our team conducts thorough risk assessments, ensuring every aspect of your project is meticulously evaluated for potential risks, compliance requirements, and mitigation strategies.

    A Friendly Sounding Board: We believe in open communication and collaboration. As a friendly and approachable team, we are always ready to discuss your ideas and provide valuable feedback.

    Connect with us today, and let's innovate together!

  • Advisory Services

    We are dedicated to supporting your business goals and ensuring you stay ahead in an ever-evolving market. Here's how we can help:

    Staying Informed on Digital Money Developments: We keep you updated on the latest advancements in digital currencies and fintech innovations, ensuring you are always at the forefront of financial technology trends.

    Identifying Emerging Opportunities: Our expert team helps you pinpoint new and emerging opportunities, enabling your business to capitalise on potential growth areas and stay competitive.

    Training and Brainstorming Workshops: We run comprehensive training sessions and dynamic brainstorming workshops designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills necessary for crucial strategic discussions and decision-making.

    Partner with us to achieve your business aspirations and navigate the future with confidence.

  • Licence Applications

    We offer expert guidance and comprehensive support to help you navigate the path to regulated activity. Our services include:

    Choosing Your Path to Regulated Activity: We assist you in determining the most suitable approach for your business to engage in regulated activities, ensuring alignment with your strategic goals.

    FCA Licence Application Management: We manage the entire FCA licence application process from start to finish, taking full ownership and handling all communications with the regulator on your behalf.

    Interim MLRO and Compliance Officer Support: Our team provides interim Money Laundering Reporting Officer (MLRO) and Compliance Officer services, ensuring your business remains compliant and adheres to regulatory standards during the transition period.

    Let us simplify your journey to regulatory compliance with our expert assistance and dedicated support.

  • Governance

    From designing governance frameworks to offering ongoing Company Secretariat services, we provide the expertise and support you need to maintain a well-governed and compliant organization.

    Partner with us to enhance your governance practices and ensure your business operates with the highest standards of integrity and efficiency.

  • Fractional COO for Start-Ups

    We understand the unique challenges that start-ups face: being overwhelmed and under-resourced with countless tasks to accomplish and limited personnel. We're here to help you make things happen and get the job done efficiently. Our comprehensive support services include:

    Problem Solving: We provide practical solutions to the challenges your start-up encounters, helping you navigate obstacles and keep your business on track.

    Basic HR Services: We offer essential HR services, including recruitment, onboarding, and employee management, to help you build and maintain a strong, motivated team.

    Business Development: Our experts support your business development efforts, identifying growth opportunities, creating strategic plans, and helping you expand your market presence.

    Network Introductions: We leverage our extensive network to connect you with key industry players, potential partners, and valuable resources, fostering opportunities for collaboration and growth.

    Let us partner with you to turn your start-up vision into reality, supporting you every step of the way.

  • Digital Marketing

    We recognise the critical role of an effective digital marketing strategy in today's competitive landscape. Our services are designed to elevate your online presence and drive meaningful engagement:

    Digital Marketing Strategy: We craft tailored digital marketing strategies that align with your business goals, ensuring maximum impact and return on investment.

    Social Media Profile Enhancement: Our team helps raise your social media profile, creating engaging and consistent content that resonates with your target audience and boosts your brand's visibility.

    Insightful Content Creation: We develop regular, insightful content that not only informs and entertains but also positions your business as a thought leader in your industry.

    Impactful Website Design: Your website is the cornerstone of your digital presence. We design and develop impactful websites that are visually appealing, user-friendly, and optimised for search engines, driving traffic and conversions.

    Partner with us to harness the full potential of digital marketing, elevate your brand, and achieve your business objectives.

Want to learn more about our services?

At Finnovation.UK, our team leverages extensive knowledge, expertise, and a robust network to help your business embrace emerging FinTech innovations.

We provide a range of services for new and existing Fintechs, helping them to embrace the opportunities that will arise from new forms of digital money, whilst ensuring operational readiness within a robust risk management framework.

Let us guide you in navigating the FinTech landscape, boosting your business to new heights with a model that's both compliant and forward-thinking.

Partner with Finnovation.UK to stay ahead in the ever-evolving financial technology sector.